Rocket Knight Adventures: Re-sparked! Collection Trailer [a Beloved Classic Sega Genesis/SNES Series from Konami is getting a New HD Collection]
Konami,the same guys who recently brought you the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Cowabunga collection and Super Bomberman R 2,and are currently working on 2 other new games,a Remake of Silent Hill 2 and Contra: Operation Galuga are planning to release a "Rocket Knight Adventures" Collection which include the original 1993 Rocket Knight Adventures (Sega Genesis) and it's Sequels,the Sega Genesis version of Sparkster and Super Nintendo Version of Sparkster,which chronicals the Adventures of a Rocket Knight fighting Opossum in Armor fighting against an Army invasion of Evil Pigs in the first Game,and Fights against Lizards (in Rocket Knight Adventures 2: Sparkster for the Genesis) and an Army of Wolves (Super Nintendo version of Sparkster)
and thats not all,according to here,looks like Konami will also Be releasing a Collection of the Felix the Cat Games,which were originally develped by Hudson Soft,so it looks like Konami also secured the rights to the old NES and Gameboy felix the cat games from Hudson as